Biomagnetic Therapy

Whether you have been diagnosed with an acute medical condition, you are suffering from chronic illness, such as Lyme Disease or a tick-borne illness, or you are simply looking to be proactive about your health, Amy provides innovative biomagnetic therapies to help you find relief and regain your vitality.

This supportive, hands-on approach to healing helps identify underlying issues and complements traditional medical treatments.

Biomagnetism is a type of energy medicine that addresses acute & chronic illnesses

Promotes healing by identifying underlying issues, neutralizing pathogens, restoring pH balance and decreasing inflammation

With a review of symptoms using muscle testing/kinesiology, we identify the conditions to be treated

Clients can experience relaxation, detoxification, restored health and renewed energy through biomagnetic therapy

How does Biomagnetic Therapy work?

This powerful healing method uses pairs of therapeutic magnets placed on specific areas of the body to create an energetic shift, neutralize the pH of the tissue and promote healing. Biomagnetism is a non-invasive therapy that gently and effectively remedies numerous conditions and restores the body to a state of balance.

Conditions Addressed by Biomagnetic Pair Therapy

Including but not limited to:

  • Allergy and Sinus Conditions

  • Autoimmune Disease

  • Chronic Fatigue/Mono/EBV

  • Environmental Allergies

  • General Detox

  • Gut Health Issues

  • Herpes Viruses/Shingles

  • Infections

  • Joint Pain

  • Lyme Disease (acute and chronic)

  • Mycoplasma

  • Migraines & Headaches

  • Mosquito Borne Viruses

  • Mold Toxicity (including Candida)

  • Neurologic Issues

  • Post-COVID Symptoms

  • Skin Conditions

  • Sleep Issues (snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia)

  • Strep

  • Toxoplasmosis

Chronic Lyme Disease Client, Massachusetts

“Amy listens well to address each individual’s needs and is very skilled at treating with magnets. She is systematic and thorough in her approach which helps to not miss anything that could be affecting your body negatively.  We began seeing improvement in our symptoms very quickly, and we were able to stop medications within a couple of months without ending up with another flare.”



  • • Restores proper pH and homeostasis in the body

    • Boosts energy and improves overall health

    • Decreases inflammation and pain

    • Promotes detoxification

  • Biomagnetic services are not covered by insurance.

    • Sessions are conducted in person. Initial session is 90 minutes to 2 hours; subsequent sessions are 60 minutes

    • Treatment begins with a review of medical and surgical history, medications and extensive review of current symptoms

    • Clients lie fully clothed on a massage table

    • Imbalances in the body are identified using Kinesiology/muscle testing

    • Magnet pairs are strategically placed on the body for approximately 15 - 20 minutes

  • Using the concept of muscle testing, the practitioner will ask your body a series of questions based on the specific biomagnetic protocol. Kinesiology/muscle testing relies on the intuitive nature of our bodies to retrieve information. Your legs will lengthen or shorten depending on yes or no answers. This will help the practitioner identify the conditions to be treated and determine magnet placement.

  • Typically a minimum of 3-4 sessions are necessary for a noticeable shift to occur. This can be longer depending on chronicity of disease, pathogen load, and the body’s ability to eliminate pathogens.

    Duration and frequency are determined at the end of each session and depend on the individual and complexity of issues being addressed.

  • Biomagnetism can address many underlying silent conditions and restore the body to optimal health before chronic disease develops.

    Wellness visits every 3-4 months can improve overall health.

About Biomagnetism

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is the therapeutic use of magnetic pairs (positive and negative polarities) to treat pathogens by neutralizing the pH of tissues and organs to provide an inhospitable environment for these to thrive. Amy practices two complementary methods, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Lyme Magnetic Protocol.

History of Biomagnetism & Biomagnetic Pair Therapy

The origin of using magnets to treat disease began with Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer, Medical Director of NASA in the 70’s and 80’s. He studied the effects of lack of gravity and lack of magnetism on the bodies of astronauts. Upon returning to earth, all astronauts were found to have one leg shorter than the other. The earth’s magnetic fields are strongest at the equator and when astronauts travel to space, they leave the earth’s magnetic field. It ultimately was determined that the lack of magnetic field in space was the cause of this unusual anomaly with leg length. Dr. Broeringmeyer experimented with magnets in space to restore body functions and realized there was a relationship between the magnets placed on the body and the pH of the body.

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy

In 1988, furthering Dr. Broeringmeyer’s findings, Dr. Isaac Goiz of Mexico, discovered that imbalances in the pH of tissues and organs provide a fertile environment in which pathogens thrive. When our body is exposed to and infected with Pathogens, this distorts the levels of acidity and alkalinity of our organs and tissues. 

Goiz created Biomagnetic Pair Therapy by strategically placing pairs of magnets with opposing magnetic fields (north and south) on the human body to affect hydrogen. This chemically and energetically shifts the pH of the tissue returning it to a neutral and healthy state known as homeostasis. The state of homeostasis is an inhospitable environment for pathogens. Neutral pH allows the body to support healthy immune function.

Biomagnetism and Beyond & Lyme Magnetic Protocol

Amy is excited to be among the few Biomagnetism practitioners in the world to be trained in the leading protocols, Biomagnetism and Beyond, developed by Dr. Luis Garcia and Lyme Magnetic Protocol, created by Joan Randall of Integrative Wellness. Garcia and Randall both studied under biomagnetism pioneer, Dr. Goiz, in the early 2000’s. While their methods are very similar in the diseases that they address, each approach is unique and yet complementary.

  • Biomagnetism and Beyond was developed by Dr. Luis Garcia who practices and teaches in the New York metro area. Using Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, his work encompasses myriad diseases, including specific protocols for treating emotions, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Sleep Disorders and Herpes Viruses. Additionally, his Tumoral Phenomena, an extensive body of work, identifies a combination of at least three bacteria and other pathogens that leads to the development of cancers. 

  • Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP), created by Joan Randall of Integrative Wellness in Woodstock, VT specifically targets the symptoms of Lyme Disease and its many co-infections. This protocol is very extensive with hundreds of magnet pairs created specifically for tick-borne illnesses including Borrelia, Babesia, Ehrlichia and Bartonella, some of which are often not detected by traditional blood work. Joan Randall describes her energy-based work as, “neutralizing the vibrational frequency of the pathogens” which are found in specific tissues and organs. This neutralization returns the body to a state of homeostasis which is an inhospitable environment for pathogens. The pathogens die off, the body sheds them and returns to a balanced state.

Ultimately, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and Lyme Magnetic Protocol rely on the practice of energy medicine and magnetic pairs to disrupt the vibrational frequency of pathogens and restore the pH balance of the body to neutral.